
St. Lucia Guide - August Weather

August in St. Lucia has the potential to see the highest temperatures of the year and also has the greatest chance to see severe tropical weather. Vacationers should be aware that in the more mountainous parts of the island, the rainfall amounts will be greater and temperatures will be slightly cooler providing for potentially chilly weather.

Typical Weather in August

August temperatures in St. Lucia range from an average low of 80.0 degrees to an average high of 86.0 degrees

August Weather in St. Lucia: Key Facts
Monthly Averages
No. of Days
with Rain
86.0° F 80.0° F N.A. 20.0


On any given day during August in St. Lucia, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 81.5 degrees. Temperatures in St. Lucia typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.4 degrees in the early afternoon. The temperature in St. Lucia will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 80.3 degrees. Overall, temperatures in St. Lucia during August average around 83.1 degrees.

August Temperatures in St. Lucia by Time of Day
Early MorningLate MorningEarly AfternoonLate AfternoonEarly EveningOverall
81.5° F 84.9° F 85.4° F 83.0° F 80.3° F 83.1° F


During August, rain is most likely to occur around 8:00 AM, and least likely to occur around 2:00 AM. To the extent thunderstorms occur in St. Lucia during August, they are most likely to occur around 5:00 PM, as shown in the following table.

August Rainfall in St. Lucia by Time of Day
Percent Frequencies of Hourly Observations
2:00 AM # #
5:00 AM # #
8:00 AM 29.8 % 0.5 %
11:00 AM 19.6 % 1.1 %
2:00 PM 23 % 0.5 %
5:00 PM 20.9 % 2 %
8:00 PM 20 % 1.8 %
11:00 PM # #
ALL 22.9 % 1.1 %

Daily Temperatures for the month of August

  July: Daily Temperatures   August: Daily Temperatures  
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