
St. Lucia Guide - October Weather

As the fall season begins to bring in cool temperatures over much of North America during October, the weather in St. Lucia maintains its summer like conditions. With temperatures just starting to slightly fall from their peak and rainfall beginning to drop off slightly, the mild weather conditions will delight all vacationers.

Typical Weather in October

Temperatures in St. Lucia during October generally vary between an average high during the day of 86.0 degrees and an average low at night of 79.0 degrees

October Weather in St. Lucia: Key Facts
Monthly Averages
No. of Days
with Rain
86.0° F 79.0° F N.A. 15.0


On a typical October day, during the early morning hours you will probably find the temperature will be around 81.5 degrees. Temperatures in St. Lucia typically rise during the day, to an average of 85.0 degrees in the early afternoon. By the early evening hours in October the temperature will generally fall to somewhere in the vicinity of 79.5 degrees. Temperatures in St. Lucia average around 82.9 degrees during October.

October Temperatures in St. Lucia by Time of Day
Early MorningLate MorningEarly AfternoonLate AfternoonEarly EveningOverall
81.5° F 85.4° F 85.0° F 82.1° F 79.5° F 82.9° F


Rain is least likely to occur in St. Lucia during October around 2:00 AM, and it is most likely to occur around 2:00 PM. As shown below, if a thunderstorm occurs in October, it is most likely to occur around 8:00 PM.

October Rainfall in St. Lucia by Time of Day
Percent Frequencies of Hourly Observations
2:00 AM # #
5:00 AM # #
8:00 AM 21 % 1.6 %
11:00 AM 17.3 % 0.6 %
2:00 PM 23.6 % 1.7 %
5:00 PM 17.3 % 1.4 %
8:00 PM 17.1 % 2 %
11:00 PM # #
ALL 19.4 % 1.4 %

Daily Temperatures for the month of October

  September: Daily Temperatures   October: Daily Temperatures  
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