For some people, the ideal vacation in St. Lucia includes a daily tennis match with a clear sky over head surrounded by tropical vegetation. It isn't hard to fulfill this dream, if you select the right hotel.
Its natural for some of St. Lucia's hotels to cater to tennis enthusiasts, but at other places you may be hard pressed to get the use of a court at the time when you want to play. It's not hard to find a hotel in St. Lucia that has a tennis court; however, finding the perfect hotel may take a bit more care if you care about tennis.
The listing below can help you narrow your search. The hotels have been ranked by the number of tennis courts on site, as well as the size of the hotel relative to the number of courts. This gives top billing to hotels with the largest tennis facilities and smallest crowds, increasing your ability to schedule a match at a convenient time.
The chart also indicates whether at least one court is lit at night, and whether the hotel has won any tennis-related awards or accolades.
Clicking any hotel name on these lists will take you to a page displaying detailed information about the other sports offered by that property as well as its star rating, number of rooms, and other attributes. You're just a click away from learning all about these hotels, from dining to spas, and plenty more. Or jump to another part of our site to learn more about the airlines serving St. Lucia and many other subjects.
Note: Our hotel information is gathered from multiple sources, including
interviews with hotel staff. Though we've done our best to
provide the most accurate information, we are not affiliated with the
hotel, and
encourage you to contact the hotel directly for more information.