March in St. Lucia is characterized by warm temperatures and some of the lowest amounts of rainfall all year. Vacationers will find the hot sun tempered by cool trade winds off of the water a comfortable change from some of the chilly winter weather back home.
Typical Weather in March
Temperatures in St. Lucia during March generally vary between an average high during the day of 83.0 degrees and an average low at night of 77.0 degrees
Monthly Averages | High | Low | Rainfall (inches) | No. of Days with Rain |
83.0° F |
77.0° F |
N.A. |
14.0 |
On any given day during March in St. Lucia, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 78.3 degrees.
In March, temperatures typically rise to around 82.9 degrees by early afternoon.
The temperature in St. Lucia will typically decline by early evening, to approximately 76.8 degrees.
For the month of March as a whole, temperatures in St. Lucia average around 80.3 degrees.
Early Morning | Late Morning | Early Afternoon | Late Afternoon | Early Evening | Overall |
78.3° F |
82.3° F |
82.9° F |
80.5° F |
76.8° F |
80.3° F |
Rain is least likely to occur in St. Lucia during March around 2:00 AM, and it is most likely to occur around 8:00 AM.
As shown below, if a thunderstorm occurs in March, it is most likely to occur around 8:00 AM.
| Percent Frequencies of Hourly Observations | Hour | Rain and/or Drizzle | Thunder- storms |
2:00 AM |
# |
# |
5:00 AM |
# |
# |
8:00 AM |
21.2 % |
0.5 % |
11:00 AM |
18 % |
0 % |
2:00 PM |
12.4 % |
0 % |
5:00 PM |
14.5 % |
0 % |
8:00 PM |
14.8 % |
0 % |
11:00 PM |
# |
# |
16.4 % |
0.1 % |