It's easy to stay connected while visiting St. Lucia. With services provided by Cable and Wireless, AT&T Wireless, and Digicel St. Lucia, you are sure to find the right services to meet your needs. Local calls in St. Lucia can be dialed directly from your hotel room or from one of many pay phones on the island. Hotels may charge a small fee for local calls, generally EC$0.50($0.19USD), so be sure to check with your hotel about their specific policies before placing calls. Another option is to use one of many pay phones that are located throughout the island. Pay phones on St. Lucia accept phone cards, EC$0.25, and EC$1 coins. Phone cards are an excellent way to stay connected and make placing local and international calls very easy. They may be purchased at many retail locations including Cable and Wireless offices and at all St. Lucia Tourist Board Centre locations. International calls can be placed through most hotels and pay phones. Be aware that many hotels will charge an expensive surcharge for placing direct calls from your hotel room. To avoid surcharges, use a calling card or charge the call to a major credit card by dialing 811. To call the United States, dial 1 plus the number. To call the United Kingdom, dial 011 44 plus the number. The country code for St. Lucia is 758. For business travelers, facsimile services are available through most hotels and the Cable and Wireless office in Castries. High speed and wireless Internet is available throughout the island and can be accessed in shopping malls or through any phone line. Simply dial 1-900-CONNECT (266-6328) from your computer to instantly access the Internet provided by Cable and Wireless. Fees are assessed at a rate of EC$0.54($0.21USD) per minute. Cellular phone service on St. Lucia is provided by Cable and Wireless. If you are traveling from the United States or another island in the Caribbean, you may be able to use your own cell phone on the island. Check with your wireless carrier to see if your phone is compatible with the network on St. Lucia. If it is not, you can easily rent a cellular phone from Cable and Wireless for approximately EC$5.35($2USD) per day. No matter how you choose to stay connected, St. Lucia offers many telecommunication options to keep you in touch with the world.
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