The summer months in St. Lucia stay fairly consistant with high temperatures and relatively low rainfall. June officially marks the beginning of the rainy season and can see increased rainfall compared to the drier previous months. A brief shower during the hot afternoon is often a welcome sight as it tempers the high temperatures during the day.
Typical Weather in June
During June the temperatures in St. Lucia typically vary between a daily high of about 85.0 degrees and a daily low of approximately 81.0 degrees
Monthly Averages | High | Low | Rainfall (inches) | No. of Days with Rain |
85.0° F |
81.0° F |
N.A. |
16.0 |
On any given day during June in St. Lucia, you can expect early morning temperatures to be around 81.7 degrees.
The temperature will rise over the course of the typical June day, reaching somewhere around 85.0 degrees by early afternoon.
By early evening, temperatures in St. Lucia generally decline to around 80.5 degrees.
Temperatures in St. Lucia average around 83.1 degrees during June.
Early Morning | Late Morning | Early Afternoon | Late Afternoon | Early Evening | Overall |
81.7° F |
84.7° F |
85.0° F |
82.8° F |
80.5° F |
83.1° F |
Rain is least likely to occur in St. Lucia during June around 11:00 AM
, and it is most likely to occur around 8:00 AM
As shown below, if a thunderstorm occurs in June, it is most likely to occur around 2:00 PM
| Percent Frequencies of Hourly Observations | Hour | Rain and/or Drizzle | Thunder- storms |
2:00 AM |
# |
# |
5:00 AM |
# |
# |
8:00 AM |
24.4 % |
0.5 % |
11:00 AM |
16.7 % |
0.3 % |
2:00 PM |
22.9 % |
0.6 % |
5:00 PM |
19 % |
0.3 % |
8:00 PM |
20.1 % |
0.4 % |
11:00 PM |
# |
# |
20.8 % |
0.4 % |